Project-Based Education


Project-based Learning at SUSU: University Implements Modern Technologies of Personnel Training


SUSU Trains Professionals in Project Management of Business Development


Read more about Project-based Learning at SUSU


Project-Based Learning: SUSU Launches an Educational Model of a New Format










SUSU Students are Constructing an Electric Race Car with Unique Electronic Transmission in the Framework of Project-Based Education

In 2018–2019, the program of project-based education has been officially launched at South Ural State University. However, this educational technology has already been implementing in a number of university’s subdivisions for many years. In particular, SUSU students have been working on construction of race cars since 2012 in the frameworks of Formula Student engineering competition among university students, organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which nowadays includes 570 teams representing higher education institutions from around the world.

Project-Based Education in Action: SUSU Students Create Teaching Equipment for Colleges and Universities

In the 2018-2019 academic years at South Ural State University, a program of project-based education is being officially introduced. In a few of the university’s subdivisions, including in the Polytechnic Institute, this academic technique has already been implemented for a few years.

Integrated Projects are the Basis for Studying the Fields of Advertising and Public Relations at SUSU

Bachelor’s students in the Advertising and Public Relations program of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications of the ISSH Faculty of Journalism successfully defended their graduation qualification projects. All of the works, without exception, were presented in the form of integrated projects of advertising and PR campaigns developed for subjects of various spheres – industrial, educational, governmental, cultural, and medical.

Center of Business Development Technology is to be Opened at SUSU in the Frameworks of Project-Based Learning

In September, School of Economics and Management of South Ural State University is going to open a unique-for-the-Ural-region Center of Business Development Technology, which is to implement interactive education programs.

SUSU and Samsung to Launch Project-based Education on the Internet of Things

One of the most promising fields of development for South Ural State University is the active implementation of project-based education in the academic process. In the near future, this practice will appear in each of the university’s faculties. A vivid example of project-based education of the work of the SUSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is its partnership with the company Samsung Electronics. In April 2018, SUSU’s application won a contest for the fulfillment of the program IoT Academy Samsung at the SUSU SEECS.

SUSU Polytechnic Institute Implements Practice Oriented Education

In 2018 enrollees were accepted to the Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s programs of the Polytechnic Institute under 42 fields of training. The Polytechnic Institute offers over 1,000 state-funded places, as well as more than 500 places on fee-paying basis under intramural and extramural forms of studies.

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